How to Choose a Handed Window Handle

How Do I Know if I Need a Left or Right Handed Window Handle?

Above: our Left Handed Black Monkeytail Espag. and Right Handed Black Monkeytail Espag.


It can often be confusing when you see a window handle is 'handed' as to which type you need.

The explanation is quite simple...

A right-hand window handle moves anti clockwise with the tail facing away from the frame and a left-hand window handle moves clockwise with the tail facing away from the frame.


A pair of Black Monkeytail Espags. on uPVC windows with the right one rotated 90 degrees anti clockwise and the text
A pair of Black Monkeytail Espags. on uPVC windows with the left one rotated 90 degrees clockwise and the text


Two Black Monkeytail Espag. handles on a uPVC window frame, with arrows pointed to each one labeling them as


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