Escutcheons, Pulls & Thumbturns

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Beehive Escutcheon
From £12.61
Aged BrassAged BronzeEbonyMatt BlackNatural SmoothPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelRosewoodSatin Chrome+ 9 more
30mm Round Escutcheon
From £12.61
Aged BrassAged BronzeEbonyPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelRosewood+ 4 more
Round Escutcheon
From £51.85
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 10 more
Plain Escutcheon
From £12.61
Aged BrassEbonyPolished BrassPolished NickelRosewood+ 2 more
Regency Escutcheon
From £16.22
BlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina
52mm Regency Concealed Escutcheon
From £47.24
Aged BrassBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 4 more
Avon Escutcheon
From £15.91
BlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina
Oval Escutcheon
From £9.13
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin Chrome+ 8 more
Art Deco Euro Escutcheon Set
From £27.23
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 3 more
Round Euro Escutcheon
From £51.85
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 10 more
Regency Euro Escutcheon
From £16.22
BlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina
Avon Euro Escutcheon
From £15.91
BlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina
Oval Euro Escutcheon
From £9.13
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin Chrome+ 7 more
Rim Cylinder Pull
From £23.74
Aged BrassAged BronzeAntique PewterBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeSatin Marine SS (316)+ 12 more
Euro Door Pull
From £25.70
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Satin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 8 more
50mm Euro Door Pull (Back to Back Fixings)
From £91.69
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 9 more
Art Deco Thumbturn
From £82.76
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 3 more
Concealed Round Thumbturn Set
From £78.84
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 10 more
Diamond Bathroom Thumbturn
From £39.23
BeeswaxBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina+ 1 more
Round Thumbturn Set (Blacksmith)
From £37.20
BeeswaxBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina+ 1 more
Round Thumbturn Set
From £44.57
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin Chrome+ 4 more

Designed to complement all of our mortice knob and lever on rose designs, our vast range of escutcheons are used to decorate key holes, adding the perfect finishing touch to any locking door.

Our thumbturn collection offers an added feature to any door when privacy is required; a perfect solution for bathroom doors.  We have a broad selection of styles and finishes to complement our range of mortice knob sets and lever on rose handles available.  Our thumbturns can also work as a standalone feature on any door.