
Product type
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45 Amp Switch & Socket
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
13 Amp Switched Socket
From £34.93
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
Dual Volt Shaver Socket
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
13 Amp Fused Switch + Flex
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
13 Amp Fused Switch + Neon
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
13 Amp Fused Switch
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
13 Amp Unswitched Fuse
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
BN Fan Isolator Switch
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
LED Dimmer Switch
From £118.52
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
Double Plate Cooker Switch
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
Single Plate Cooker Switch
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
Double Blank Plate
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
Single Blank Plate
Black NickelMatt BlackSatin Stainless Steel
½" Euro Dead Lock Rebate Kit
From £36.38
BlackPVD BrassSatin Stainless Steel
½" Rebate Kit for Deadlock
From £36.38
BlackElectro BrassStainless Steel
Curtain Ring
From £4.24
Pewter PatinaBeeswaxBlack
Curtain Pole
From £35.24
Pewter PatinaBeeswaxBlack
Horizontal Bathroom Lock
From £73.55
BlackPVD BrassStainless Steel
Bathroom Mortice Lock
From £23.03
BlackElectro BrassPolished Nickel
Heavy Duty Bathroom Mortice Lock
From £50.64
BlackPVD BrassSatin Stainless SteelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 10 more
Regency Espag
From £43.63
BlackExternal BeeswaxPewter Patina
½" Rebate Kit for Tubular Mortice Latch
From £13.20
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzeNickelBlackElectro Brassed+ 8 more
½" Rebate Kit for Sash Lock
From £34.68
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless SteelSatin Stainless SteelStainless SteelBlackElectro BrassedPVD+ 12 more
Hammered Cabinet Knob
From £7.19
BeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaAged BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Plain Drawer Pull
From £24.64
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackNatural SmoothPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassBurnished Brass+ 7 more
Square Ended Sash Pulley 75kg
From £28.45
Aged BrassAged BronzeAntique PewterBeeswaxBlackLacquered BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromePewter Patina+ 8 more
Parliament Hinges SS (pair)
From £57.19
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Stainless SteelSatin Stainless SteelSatin Brass+ 8 more
Flush Handle
From £24.30
BlackBeeswaxPewter PatinaAged BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished BronzeSatin BrassBurnished Brass+ 7 more
Fitch Fastener
From £34.66
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Coat Hook
From £12.25
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackNatural SmoothPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Cabinet Latch
From £42.49
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Tubular Mortice Latch
From £4.12
BlackElectro BrassPolished NickelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 8 more
Slim Sash Pull
From £13.86
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Regency Pull Handle
From £40.93
Aged BrassBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Brass+ 4 more
Regency Concealed Drawer Pull
From £29.58
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Regency Cabinet Knob
From £14.72
BeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassPolished NickelPolished Chrome+ 4 more

With a subtle sheen, our popular Black finish is a great choice for traditional properties and interiors, and looks striking against stained and painted timber.  

Baked in a high temperature oven, this finish is extremely low maintenance and offers excellent corrosion resistant properties; and ideal choice for use in bathrooms, kitchens, and externally where damper environmental conditions are expected.