Polished Chrome

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Cast Peardrop Stay
From £19.12
Antique PewterPolished BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeBlack+ 2 more
Ring Door Knocker (Slim)
From £153.18
Aged BronzePolished BrassPolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 1 more
Round Thumbturn Set
From £44.57
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin Chrome+ 4 more
Butt Hinge - Small (pair)
From £8.17
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 6 more
SS 110mm Threaded Bar
From £6.12
BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished Chrome+ 1 more
Hammered Mushroom Cabinet Knob
From £19.24
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 2 more
Prestbury Mortice/Rim Knob Set
From £92.03
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 1 more
Heavy Duty Bathroom Mortice Lock
From £50.64
BlackPVD BrassSatin Stainless SteelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 10 more
5 Pin Euro Cylinder/Thumbturn
From £65.16
Aged BrassAged BronzeLacquered BrassPewter PatinaPolished BronzePolished ChromeSatin Chrome+ 4 more
5 Pin Euro Cylinder
From £62.80
Aged BrassAged BronzeLacquered BrassPewter PatinaPolished BronzePolished ChromeSatin Chrome+ 4 more
½" Rebate Kit for Tubular Mortice Latch
From £13.20
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzeNickelBlackElectro Brassed+ 8 more
½" Rebate Kit for Sash Lock
From £34.68
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless SteelSatin Stainless SteelStainless SteelBlackElectro BrassedPVD+ 12 more
Locking Brompton Fastener
From £51.14
Matt BlackPewter PatinaAged BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Brass+ 5 more
Hammered Cabinet Knob
From £7.19
BeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaAged BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Plain Drawer Pull
From £24.64
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackNatural SmoothPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassBurnished Brass+ 7 more
½" Rebate Kit for Deadbolt
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Night-Vent Locking Newbury Fastener
From £62.99
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished Marine SS (316)Satin Marine SS (316)+ 6 more
½" Rebate Kit for Dead Lock
From £36.38
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 7 more
Square Ended Sash Pulley 75kg
From £28.45
Aged BrassAged BronzeAntique PewterBeeswaxBlackLacquered BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromePewter Patina+ 8 more
Parliament Hinges SS (pair)
From £57.19
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Stainless SteelSatin Stainless SteelSatin Brass+ 8 more
Flush Handle
From £24.30
BlackBeeswaxPewter PatinaAged BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished BronzeSatin BrassBurnished Brass+ 7 more
Fitch Fastener
From £34.66
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Coat Hook
From £12.25
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackNatural SmoothPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Cabinet Latch
From £42.49
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Tyne Shelf Bracket
From £113.36
Aged BrassAged BronzeMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 7 more
Tubular Mortice Latch
From £4.12
BlackElectro BrassPolished NickelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 8 more
Scully T-Bar
From £26.57
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Scully Pull Handle
From £53.15
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Scully Cabinet Knob
From £22.92
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Slim Sash Pull
From £13.86
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Regency Pull Handle
From £40.93
Aged BrassBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Brass+ 4 more
Regency Concealed Drawer Pull
From £29.58
Aged BrassAged BronzeBeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassSatin ChromeBurnished Brass+ 9 more
Regency Cabinet Knob
From £14.72
BeeswaxBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassPolished NickelPolished Chrome+ 4 more
Reeded Stay
From £44.57
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished Marine SS (316)Satin Marine SS (316)+ 7 more
Reeded Slimline Lever Espag. Lock Set
From £226.14
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished Marine SS (316)Satin Marine SS (316)+ 7 more
Reeded Espag
From £70.32
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished Marine SS (316)Satin Marine SS (316)+ 7 more
½" Rebate Kit for Heavy Duty Latch
Polished NickelBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 7 more
Prestbury Sash Hook Fastener
From £23.10
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Prestbury Quadrant Fastener - Narrow
From £43.13
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Prestbury Brighton Fastener
From £55.15
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Locking Newbury Fastener
From £55.60
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished Marine SS (316)Satin Marine SS (316)+ 6 more
Mushroom Quadrant Fastener - Narrow
From £43.13
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Mushroom Cabinet Knob
From £16.27
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin BrassBurnished Brass+ 5 more
Mushroom Brighton Fastener
From £55.15
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeBlackPewter Patina+ 6 more
Moore Pull Handle
From £23.92
Polished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassBurnished BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromePolished NickelAged BronzePolished BronzeMatt Black+ 7 more
Moore Cabinet Knob
From £16.51
Polished BrassAged BrassAged BronzeSatin BrassBurnished BrassMatt BlackPolished ChromeSatin ChromePolished BronzePolished Nickel+ 7 more
Kahlo T-Bar
From £29.53
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Kahlo Pull Handle
From £59.05
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Kahlo Cabinet Knob
From £25.49
Aged BrassMatt BlackPolished BrassPolished ChromePolished NickelSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
Heavy Duty Latch
From £15.24
BlackPVD BrassSatin Stainless SteelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 10 more

Favoured for its bright, bold appearance, Polished Chrome is best suited to modern interiors and contemporary properties where a cool, clean look is desired.

Our Polished Chrome Products are manufactured from solid brass, and coated with a durable chrome plating, resulting in a flawless, mirror like finish.  This striking finish is suitable for both internal and external use.